Albie and Brent Japp talk Albie and Brent Japp talk Star Trek Day Panels Our announcer is Zoe Dean More about her here Check out the video version here
003 Enterprise 1×21 Detained
Star Trek: Enterprise Detained Watch Along Quantum Leap. Albie and Trek first timer Hayden McQueenie talk Star Trek: Enterprise and do an episode commentary for […]
J.G. Hertzler Interview
John Garman “J.G.” Hertzler (born 18 March 1950; age 70) is an American actor from Savannah, Georgia, who has portrayed many different roles on several […]
My interview with Scott Bakula
This interview was done for my Quantum Leap Podcast and has a spoiler level of “Mirror Image”. SCOTT BAKULA has been recognized for his work […]